Sunday, December 9, 2012

Corpse Cast (Horror Podcast) episode 46 Rob Zombie - Hellbilly Deluxe (1981) The Night Of The Werewolf

Hey folks, this is the first official post each week, for the episode of our audio podcast Corpse Cast, this week we are Talking about the horror maniac himself Rob Zombie and his 1998 album HellBilly Deluxe, we are also talking about (1981) The Night Of The Werewolf.. we also take your voicemail calls, and announce the new Roku contest.. yeah you can WIN a free HD Roku, courtesy of Zome Bee TV, Corpse Collective video show, and Corpse Cast!!

direct link to this episode
Corpse Cast (Horror Podcast episode 46)

call the voicemail line and get on the show..
(385) 351- 9273

you can also listen to the show via Stitcher Smart Radio or iTunes

visit the website..


thanks all..
look for these every week,.


Zom Bee TV & Corpse Collective

Hello fiends, wanted to official announce on Diablocast about the new video podcast show called Corpse Collective, it is on the new Zom Bee TV channel that is available totally free if you own a Roku box!..

LIKE the Zom Bee TV page

The show is a spin-off of Mike Cadaver and Me and our audio podcast show Corpse Cast, we are stoked as hell to be working with Zom Bee Tv, they have some great programming and it grows everyday.. including a Metal music talk show called The White Label Loung, Cinema Insomnia hosted by Mr. Lobo and of coarse our show Corpse Collective. you can also find TONS of horror movies, all totally free.... if you own a Roku box, all you need is internbet access and a TV and you have access to over 600 channels...

Things are looking up for the channel, as well as all the original programming, so head out to Wal mart or Best Buy, or Target and grab your Roku ..Corpse Collective has 9 episodes of the video show available now, and one comes out every other week... there's no end in sight!!

Hey now!! it's been a bit since I posted, so I decided I am going to update Diablocast every week, with the latest episodes of my, well, not so new podcast ( we have done 46 episodes now, which a spawned into a Video chow for Zom Bee Tv (available on Roku for free in the channel store) so yeah... anyhoot.. look for upcoming blog posts with links to our official website every week, right here!!

...I am going to post a few serperate blog post's today so bare with me..


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Working on a new episode of DIABLOCAST. I have had a few people wondering what happened, I am now doing a Horror music and Horror movie podcast with Mike Cadaver .. you can find it here we pick one album and one horror movie and talk about it.. so GO CHECK IT OUT,  goodtimes.. a new episode of Diablocast is in the works.. just a Busy Boy... thanks to everyone that cares enough to ask.. and GO checkout CORPSE CAST.. it's plenty of me on that.


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

DieMonsterDie NEEDS your help on KICKSTARTER.COM

Greetings Fiends, I know it has been awhile since I have posted, I have been recording episodes of my NEW podcast called Corpse Cast every week, so it makes it difficult to update here, BUT this time I write on behalf of DIEMONSTERDIE  we/they need your help...

DIEMONSTERDIE  have been hard at work on writing a new album, and have created a page to record and release this NEW album on Vinyl.. with 18 days left to go 49 people have donated DIEMONSTERDIE  had raised $3,919 towards the $6000 dollar goal..

As some of you might know, DIEMONSTERDIE  are very close to the goal, but even if the band comes up 1 dollar short they get nothing.. this is where you come in, ANYTHING  you can donate would be awesome.. the rewards for donaters to this project are amazing.. please share this with your friends, post it on Facebook, RT on Twitter.. and donate... this is where fans of DIEMONSTERDIE  friends and Horror Punk fiends, come out and support...

the link below will take you to the DIEMONSTERDIE  Kickstarter page, watch the video, look at the rewards they are offering, and scrape together a few sheckles out of the pocket to donate. I KNOW times are tough, which is why the band has decided to ask friends and fans for the support they need. and I know you are out there, I know at least on DMD song has stuck in your heart.

thanks to everyonewho has supported Diablocast, DieMonsterDie and Horror Punk... the time is NOW.. dont wait til the last day to donate, do it now, if you can.. DIEMONSTERDIE   have released 7 studio albums over 12 years.. they know you are out there, I know you are there with well over 50,000 visits to DIABLOCAST  alone.. I know if you are reading this you WILL help..

The link below

thank you all!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Corspe Cast My new Project all Horror All Good Every week!

Greetings Fiends, It's me you're favorite horses ass! I wanted to let you all kow about my NEW podcast with Mike Cadaver from fame. It is called CORPSE CAST  and we talk horror music and horror movies, among other hot button issues.. jk. BUT yes, this will be a weekly podcast! For anyone that can't get enough of ME. I beg you.. subscribe and PLEASE TELL YOUR FRIENDS..  you are getting in on the ground level.. the first episode has just been posted!!

I will continue to do Diablocast.. and it  will be as irregular as it always has been! ha! but If you NEED more Shane Diablo... Corpse Cast will give you a weekly dose.. 

you can stream or download all episodes of Corpse Cast totally free click the link below.. OR subscribe on iTunes...